Unhinged Bob Corker Attacks President Trump Again

Tennessee Star

An unhinged Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) attacked President Trump again on NBC’s Today Show Tuesday morning.

In a series of reckless comments, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee undermined both President Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson once more. This time, Corker used the term “kneecap” instead of “public castration.”

“When you have the kind of issue we’re dealing with in North Korea where we have a very unstable leader there, when you send out tweets into the region to raise tensions, when you kneecap your Secretary of State whose diplomacy you have to depend upon, when you kneecap that effort, you really move our country into a binary choice which could lead to a world war,” Corker told Today Show host Matt Lauer.




“There are people around him that work in an effort to contain him,” Corker added.

“This has been building for some time as I’ve watched the way the White House has operated. My concerns have continued to rise. I’m one senator who is expressing what I believe to be sincere – what I know to be sincere – concerns, and other senators may have other issues they’re dealing with,” the junior senator from Tennessee, who announced last month that he will not be seeking re-election, said.




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4 Thoughts to “Unhinged Bob Corker Attacks President Trump Again”

  1. Randall

    What an A$$ ! Can’t believe I voted for him.

  2. Bob – My thoughts exactly. He’s going to be a Democrat-siding traitor for his remaining term. Which will bear a striking resemblance to his prior years of disservice.

    Same with Alexander. Who told him that his constituents wanted to save Obamacare?

    If these two are going to wander off the reservation, they should be walking the Trail of Tears.

    Corker, Alexander, and Haslam. The Axis of Weasels.

  3. Bob

    Can we not recall this idiot?

  4. Steve L.

    The swamp extends deep into Tennessee. Our lack of diligence in previous election cycles has now come back to haunt us. As Corker continues to make a fool of himself, he erodes his ability to help Tennessee achieve its federal level goals. Bad news for us. The good news is that Corker’s continued clown show will give Steve Bannon and the Tea Party greater influence in draining the swamp here in Tennessee. Have we vetted Congressman Blackburn well enough to know she will not be Bob Corker “The Sequel”? 2018 cannot get here quick enough for this Conservative Independent voter.
